Saturday, January 23, 2010

It all started

It all started on June 18, 2007. That was the day that I held you for the first time and absolutly fell in love. You were precious and i never could have imagined how much I could love another human being, and you were not even biologically mine!

You were precious and I could not wait to watch you grow up.

Friday, January 22, 2010


I have decided to make some changes to my blog. I have tried to keep scrapbooks in the past for my niece McKinley because I want her to have memories to look back on when she is old. Also because I know her mama, my sister, is NOT going to do it.

Scrapbboking just takes up too much time and I just don't have the patience. :) I have also done Snapfish books for her in the past but they can also get a little pricey. So I have decided to start documenting her life, starting with the wonderful terrible twos, on this blog.

Enjoy the ride :)